The Countdown to RED SKY MOURNING continues with the TRUE BELIEVER Q&A
The Countdown to RED SKY MOURNING continues with the TRUE [...]
The Countdown to RED SKY MOURNING continues with the TRUE [...]
What follows is adapted from the preface to The Devil’s Hand. It was written on September 11, 2020. Part two of two. The Devil’s Hand is about what the enemy has learned watching us on the field of battle for close to twenty years...
What follows is adapted from the preface to The Devil’s Hand. It was written on September 11, 2020. Part one of two. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen men boarded four planes at Logan, Newark, and Dulles International Airports...
October 2020 Reading List: The Gun by C.J. Chivers, A Time to Kill by John Grisham, Do the Work by Steven Pressfield, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, The Spy Who Came in From The Cold by John le Carré, and The Generals by Thomas E. Ricks
Oni by Marc Olden, Rising Sun by Michael Crichton, Hell In A Very Small Place by Bernard B. Fall, To Dare and To Conquer by Derek Leebaert, The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck, The Transformation of War by Martin van Creveld
August reading list: To Kill A Mockingbird, Eye of the Needle, Supreme Command, In the Lake of the Woods, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Kill Artist.
Be prepared this holiday season with the Jack Carr Holiday Gear Guide. I trust, carry, use, have read, know, and stand behind everything on this list.
Guns and Gear from the pages of TRUE BELIEVER. See link in bio for more!
I recently had the honor of sitting down with Jocko Willink and Echo Charles for Jocko Podcast 183.
I am pleased to announce that the Department of Defense has finished their review of my second novel, True Believer, slated for release on July 30th, 2019.