The Countdown to RED SKY MOURNING continues with the THE DEVIL’S HAND Q&A
The Countdown to RED SKY MOURNING continues with the [...]
The Countdown to RED SKY MOURNING continues with the [...]
Order your signed limited edition AK Bookplate from these Independent Bookstores!
Always an honor to spend time with my friends at Black Rifle Coffee. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for those who stepped up to go downrange in service to the nation. I look forward to what’s ahead!
Always a blast to catch up with Joe Rogan on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast. We had a wide-ranging discussion covering THE TERMINAL LIST Amazon series starring Chris Pratt that is currently under production, Rolex watches, Land Cruisers, jiu jitsu, BUD/S, preparedness, cancel culture, censorship, conspiracies, and more...
THE DEVIL’S HAND is unleashed! Hardcover, Ebook and Audiobook are in the wild everywhere books are sold.
Weapons, gear and vehicles are important elements of my novels. Just like in real life, what blade and gun someone carries for defense (or offense), what they drive, the watch they wear, the boots and holster they use, all tell a story about that person. In my books I use that gear to develop my characters.
Virtual Book Tour is now LIVE! Click to see a list of participating independent bookstores with a signed limited-edition Kalashnikov bookplate! They won’t last long so order today.
Get an early start on THE DEVIL’S HAND! No email required - no gates to jump through. Enjoy the sneak peek! WARNING: THIS MAY MAKE THE WAIT UNTIL APRIL 13th EVEN HARDER.
What follows is adapted from the preface to The Devil’s Hand. It was written on September 11, 2020. Part one of two. On the morning of September 11, 2001, nineteen men boarded four planes at Logan, Newark, and Dulles International Airports...
Even though it is only two paragraphs and I could have just had the protagonist “pull out an AK” - that’s not me. The weapon tells a story...