Jack Carr joins Katie Pavlich on Fox News Primetime

“We are citizens, not subjects.” As my friend Chris Cox recently reminded me, the real tragedy is that we are even having a conversation about areas of the country taking steps to declare themselves sanctuary cities to protect their 2nd Amendment rights.


October 2020 Book Club

October 2020 Reading List: The Gun by C.J. Chivers, A Time to Kill by John Grisham, Do the Work by Steven Pressfield, The Road by Cormac McCarthy, The Spy Who Came in From The Cold by John le Carré, and The Generals by Thomas E. Ricks


September 2020 Reading List

Oni by Marc Olden, Rising Sun by Michael Crichton, Hell In A Very Small Place by Bernard B. Fall, To Dare and To Conquer by Derek Leebaert, The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights by John Steinbeck, The Transformation of War by Martin van Creveld


August Reading List

August reading list: To Kill A Mockingbird, Eye of the Needle, Supreme Command, In the Lake of the Woods, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, The Kill Artist.


Total Archery Challenge 2020

I was so fired up to see how the novels are resonating with the archery and bow hunting communities, especially since SAVAGE SON is an archery centric thriller where I use the meditative and therapeutic benefits of archery for veterans to help propel the storyline.

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