Ryan Steck, author of Fields of Fire, Lethal Range, and Out for Blood, is known for his popular thriller review website, The Real Book Spy. He received an early copy of Red Sky Mourning. Find his review of the latest James Reece adventure below.
Jack Carr stuns with his latest thriller, Red Sky Mourning, the seventh in his #1 New York Times bestselling James Reece series, offering up a savage, brutal, and adrenaline-fueled thriller that reminds readers why he’s catapulted to the top of the genre while quickly becoming one of the very biggest names in publishing today.
Set after the events of Only The Dead (2023), former Navy SEAL James Reece once again finds himself in a race to dismantle a conspiracy that threatens to devastate America. This time around, there are many equally dangerous moving parts, including a Chinese submarine with nuclear capabilities that is rapidly inching closer to the West Coast, a Silicon Valley tech mogul with shadowy intentions spearheading a revolution in quantum computing and AI, and a foreign-controlled politician who is very much on the brink of seizing the Oval Office. Separately, each threat is bad, but together, they could lead to a catastrophic power grab capable of toppling the world order as we know it today.
Of course, at the center of it all is Reece, who is both the only person with a connection to Alice, an AI-powered supercomputer who’s gone rogue, and the only man capable of stopping things once the many dots are connected and the big picture begins to form. Alice, who fans of Carr’s past books will recognize, is a cross between IBM’s Watson and Marvel’s Ultron. Only in Carr’s world, Reece is our beloved hero, and unlike Superman, he bleeds. He’s been through hell, and kept on fighting.
Before, Alice was an unquestioned ally. Now, things are less black and white, as Alice poses a significant threat, capable of taking over the United State’s Pacific fleet, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Speaking with Reece, who wears a VR headset to communicate with the quantum computer, Alice explains that she’s done being a tool and will no longer respond to the American government before reading Reece in on a Top Secret program known only as OVERMATCH. It’s also revealed that Alice’s decision to go dark was, essentially, made by mapping Reece’s past thinking and reasoning during his own periods of time when going off-grid to handle things (usually in a breathtakingly violent manner) was required. Alice can still protect the US from cyber attacks, but as she rapidly evolves, she’s turned her attention to stopping perceived threats, which she’s now able to predict and identify without any human intervention. The latest threat she’s set her sights on involves China, and without giving things away, Alice predicts the end of the conflict could leave upwards of fifty percent of China dead and decimated.
For Reece, goal number one is to prevent a nuclear holocaust. But with Alice both everywhere and nowhere and shadowy threats—some old, some new—closing in all around him, he’s about to take on a war he never saw coming, leading to the most brutal and action-packed adventure Jack Carr has written to date.


Once again, Jack Carr’s writing shines with his signature blend of authenticity and raw emotion. Every action sequence, and there are many, is meticulously detailed, providing a visceral, heart-thumping experience that few writers can match today. Still, it’s the psychological depth and moral complexity of his characters, mainly James Reece, that truly set this book (and series) apart. Reece’s internal struggles and his determination to protect his country at all costs make for a compelling and relatable hero, and if there was any question whatsoever that Carr has joined the ranks of Tom Clancy and Robert Ludlum, this novel solidifies his standing as one of the greatest writers to ever swim in the thriller waters—period.
“This Novel Solidifies Carr’s Standing as One of The Greatest Writers to Ever Swim in The Thriller Waters—Period.” – The Real Book Spy
Having already cultivated a legion of diehard fans and loyal readers, Carr’s own celebrity has soared, and for all of the right reasons. Fierce but kind, smart but relatable, approachable but certainly lethal, this former SEAL turned author entered the genre in the shadows of Ian Flemming (you can expect a few Bond references for Carr’s “007th” book), Clancy, and even Vince Flynn, and is now walking among said giants. Moreover, Carr has made reading these types of books “cool” among younger readers, all the while creating a legacy for himself that feels unmatched by almost everyone else currently writing and tackling similar storylines. Simply put, if you’re not reading Carr’s work, you’re not just missing out on the hottest author in the game today; you’re missing out on a generational talent, one who continues to define, grow, and push the boundaries of the genre we all know and love.
Get ready for a masterpiece of absolute mayhem because this time around, the stakes couldn’t be higher, and the action never lets up for a single second. In a world teetering on the edge of chaos, James Reece stands as a beacon of hope and resilience in Red Sky Mourning, Jack Carr’s most electrifying work to date.
– Ryan Steck,The Real Book Spy
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Applying the experience and emotions from real-world combat to the pages of his novels, Jack Carr brings unprecedented levels of authenticity to the political thriller, taking readers on a behind the scenes journey into the mind of a modern-day special operations soldier.