May 2022

May 2022 Reading List

This month’s reading list selections consist of books I used to research IN THE BLOOD. This fifth novel in the James Reece series was research intensive into quantum computing, artificial intelligence, mass data storage, and surveillance of U.S. citizens. With that in mind, why the books on Israeli intelligence and the Soviet experience in Afghanistan?  Find out when IN THE BLOOD hits shelves on May 17.

May 2022 Reading List Selections:

  • Vickers Guide Kalashnikov Volumes 1 and 2
  • The Other Side of the Mountain by Ali Ahmad Jalali and Lester W. Grau
  • The Bear Went Over the Mountain edited by Lester W. Grau
  • The Soviet-Afghan War by the Russian General Staff
  • Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile 
  • Inside Spetsnaz edited by Maj. William H. Burgess III
  • Spetsnaz by Viktor Suvorov 
  • The Ledger by David Kilcullen and Greg Mills
  • The Night Raiders by Samuel M. Katz 
  • Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman 
  • Six Days of War by Michael B. Oren 
  • The Ghost Warriors by Samuel M. Katz
  • Soldier Spies by Samuel M. Katz
  • The Price of Paradise by Iain Overton 
  • Dying to Win by Robert A. Pape 
  • Poisoner in Chief by Stephen Kinzer 
  • The Kill Chain by Christian Brose 
  • No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald 
  • Permanent Record by Edward Snowden

Vickers Guide Kalashnikov Volumes 1 and 2

The Other Side of the Mountain by Ali Ahmad Jalali and Lester W. Grau

The Bear Went Over the Mountain edited by Lester W. Grau

The Soviet-Afghan War by the Russian General Staff

Charlie Wilson’s War by George Crile

Inside Spetsnaz edited by Maj. William H. Burgess III

Spetsnaz by Viktor Suvorov

The Ledger by David Kilcullen and Greg Mills

The Night Raiders by Samuel M. Katz

Rise and Kill First by Ronen Bergman

Six Days of War by Michael B. Oren

The Ghost Warriors by Samuel M. Katz

Soldier Spies by Samuel M. Katz

The Price of Paradise by Iain Overton

Dying to Win by Robert A. Pape

Poisoner in Chief by Stephen Kinzer

The Kill Chain by Christian Brose

No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald

Permanent Record by Edward Snowden

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