Only The Dead Audio Prologue

ONLY THE DEAD - Audio Prologue. WARNING: THIS MAY MAKE THE WAIT UNTIL SPRING EVEN HARDER.  Common side effects may include the uncontrollable urge to re-read previous James Reece novels and purchase tomahawks and ammunition.


In The Blood Audio Prologue

IN THE BLOOD - Audio Prologue. WARNING: THIS MAY MAKE THE WAIT UNTIL May 31th EVEN HARDER.  Common side effects may include the uncontrollable urge to re-read previous James Reece novels and purchase tomahawks and ammunition.


In The Blood Early Access

IN THE BLOOD - Audio Prologue. WARNING: THIS MAY MAKE THE WAIT UNTIL May 31th EVEN HARDER.  Common side effects may include the uncontrollable urge to re-read previous James Reece novels and purchase tomahawks and ammunition.

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